I love our chapter’s quarterly Breakfast Club meetings. They’re like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re gonna get.
As always, holding our meetings in King of Prussia’s Founding Farmers restaurant offers great venue with wonderful food and service for our meetings. We had a great turnout from various CCIM’s – past institute and chapter president, Darbin Skeans, CCIM – as well as from attorneys, contractors, brokers investors and of course title professionals.
Typically, most real estate professionals see Title Insurance as an uncontrollable line item when acquiring a property. Our speaker, Lynn Greto, Esq., from First American Title, educated our audience by providing a sample array of possible title endorsements relevant to the state of Pennsylvania, which can be tailored specifically toward each transaction resulting in better cost – and risk – control for the parties.
We took a deep dive on the impending changes coming to Pennsylvania’s title endorsements which will take effect before the end of the year and learned that there are endorsements designed to cover the buyer, the lender, an easement, an encroachment, mineral rights, and the entry/exit of partners in the transaction.
We are also thankful for Certified Abstract title company for sponsoring our event, and adding her input to Greto’s presentation and discussion.
Please watch your emails news about our Q4 Breakfast Club Meeting – it will be another opportunity for deep, informative and interesting conversations specific to our industry. We hope you can join us!
-Jeff Hoffman, CCIM
PA/NJ/DE CCIM Chapter President 2016-2018